this week has been a good one. i got to do some fun things with some fun people.

last weekend arlen was in edmonton at the oilers/flames game with my dad and brothers. lucky duck. go flames go. while he was gone i locked all the doors and tried not to hear all the noises. then on day two tori, sharon, becky and bryan came and hung out with me. we ate cookies and watched the hockey game.

arlen brought a new truck home from edmonton. so that’s fun. well it’s not brand new but it’s new to us. becky saw it last night and was pretty impressed. I think her words were “wow, i expected a dumpy, boxy old farm truck” and it’s not like that. we are quite happy with it. although i haven’t gotten to ride in it yet. My mom is bringing our licence plates next week. they will be polar bears. the best kind.

our friend jena graduated from the RCMP on monday so we got to hang out with her and her family that we love and also take in some of her grad festivities. She’s moving to Spiritwood to start working this weekend. She might be the smallest RCMP officer you will ever see but she’s feisty so watch it.

school was decent this week. it’s starting to pick up like crazy though. Less than two months til my grad. I can’t wait. Now hopefully we can find jobs. Perhaps graduating during the first year of a recession is not the best timing – but we are hopeful. And not too worried. yet.

sharon and i went to He’s Just Not That Into You on cheap night. That’s the only night I go to movies. The other nights are complete rip offs. Plus i get to go to girl ones then because arlen has night class. We had some good laughs. Probably mostly because there was an inappropriate older lady and her husband sitting near by that were making us uncomfortable with their comments and all we could do was share an awkward laugh… Then we went and played broomball with some friends. Good times. I wore my special Sun Ice Neon Pink pants. Trust me they are special.

On thursday I got to hang out with my great friend (+twin) chelsey and her daughter eva. we had a great time colouring and laughing and saying “absolutely!” I’m so glad that I got to spend some time with them while they were visiting from calgary. I dont get to see them nearly often enough and they are both REALLY great!

Also on thursday arlen has boy night every week. They usually go for burgers but due to some recent food poisoning they switched it up and went for cheap ribs. I had becky and sharon over for pizza and we had fun. I’m gonna miss them when i move. We can laugh together a LOT.

Today i got to get my haircut which is always great (except for one time when they gave me blunt baby bangs and dyed my hair orange. that was awful). then instead of driving all the way home and having to go back to pick up arlen after school i thought i’d go to starbucks/chapters and hang out. I got a lovely black tea latte and wandered around for almost 2 hours. It was awesome. I love books. I hope my mom brings me some when she comes to visit next week because I can’t buy any right now (remember we just bought a truck). And my mom has lots of books. She likes books too.

Now it’s the weeeknd. Which is exciting. But it feels a bit wierd because I feel like it is our last calmish weekend before our lives get completely crazy until school ends.

My mom comes on wednesday and my dad comes next saturday. EXCITING!

arlen gets his haircut in 15 days. the countdown is on.

so much to be thankful for and so much to look forward to.